On The Blog
Are You Ready to Help?
The world needs more doulas! Career doulas, doulas who are trained and certified, doulas who work in the community! When we have more doulas, more people are ready to help.
Are you an aspiring Postpartum Doula?
If you have been waiting for the perfect training time to come your way, this is the right time to check out all your options!
Interested in Becoming a New Parent Educator?
Have you been wondering if a New Parent Educator training is right for you? Here is some recent feedback from a students regarding the training provided by CAPPA. If you want to jump in for an online live training, check out all the options on the CAPPA site here: https://cappa.net/live-virtual-trainings/
Training Doulas to Care for New Parents as a 2nd career
I have had the most wonderful grandma doulas in my trainings, and I am always looking for more! If you have wondered what a second career as a doula might look like, check out an introductory training to see if this might be right for you for this season in your life.
Are you a new Postpartum Doula?
If you have taken a training and thought:
Will I be able to do this?
But I'm scared to put myself out there.
It's like being a mom, except you are serving people who notice every wonderful thing you do, and thank you for it!
My 4 Achilles Doulas
I will never forget the weekend I spent with doulas.
Because when you are in pain, they are the best people to have around you. EVER.
Different types of support for your new baby
Postpartum doulas are fantastic support, but they aren't the only ones supporting families with their newborns. We have colleagues all over the US who offer different types of services in their area, although in Portland and Seattle we don't have NCS or Baby Nurses locally (yet). We have painstakingly assembled info from the 4 main industries in newborn care-giving to help parents differentiate what role might be the most appropriate for them. If you have questions, we hope that this will answer and clarify what role you are looking for.
Dictionary of Birth Workers and Family Support
Confused about all the different roles and how you can get training to do your chosen path? If you are considering becoming a birth worker but youhave questions about what each path consists of, what tasks are performed, and what training is required, read on.
Have what it takes to be a postpartum doula?
So who would make a great doula? Here is my personal top 5 after almost 15 years of being a doula, running a doula agency, training doulas and hiring doulas for our business.
The last 5 minutes says a lot
One thing I have learned is to really make sure those last 5 minutes count towards building confidence in my clients. Not that I don’t focus on building them up the entire time I am with them, but specifically those last 5 minutes before I go, I make sure they know that overall things are going better than they feel like they are, and that I have great hopes that things will improve very quickly. Which is true, but of course families can’t see it in the midst of their chaos.
A little less mom guilt
In our flip-flopped family of a stay at home dad and a breadwinner wife who works days, overnights and weekends, we try to make evenings sacred and prioritize dinner time where we all sit down (or at least the kids attemptto sit down), say grace, and share a meal together talking about our day. "
Client favorite: Refrigerator Quiche
This is a quick doula meal I can make just about anywhere. Most families have eggs, and an assortment of tired looking veggies that were meant for something but got overlooked by a new baby in the house. This is a great way to build a whole meal out of a rag tag team of odds and ends, and give a new family something beautiful to eat that lasts beyond one meal.