ABC Doula & Newborn Care

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Meet Mabel | Postpartum Doula & Labor Doula

Mabel has been in the world of tiny babies for years, working as a nanny, special needs caregiver, birth and postpartum doula, in daycare, preschool and at an award winning private Montessori school. For some the love of babies is a lifelong journey, and Mabel is part of that group!

As a postpartum doula Mabel loves that she gets to expand her role, especially cooking for new parents and teaching them about creating safe spaces for their babies. She understands the value of having baby care support in place so parents can take time to take a shower or taking a breather during extended crying periods with those high need babies.

Mabel is an organizer, and loves to create spaces that inspire calm, order, and a respite to bond with their newborns. She also always strives to make space for parents to talk, share their experiences and ask questions without judgement. She has been known to borrow a parent’s phone to capture moments of sweetness between parent and child, illustrating the newly created bonds for a lifetime (when memories often are forgotten by sleeplessness).

While she loves to prep the whole family’s meals, often preparing fruits, veggies, and protein for the next few days, cooking up some veggies to have at the ready, and especially prepping snacks for nursing mothers to easily grab. She has found having lots of healthy quick one-handed food options are much more realistic for new parents who often have just a minute or two to eat. She loves to leave parents with something like a healthy muffin or a mixed fruit cup, or to serve up some hearty postpartum recover soup, for it’s warming, hydrating and nurturing aspects. Providing parents with a moment of forced calm while she keeps the tiny ones happy is one of her favorite ways to support families as a doula.

Mabel has gotten very creative at baking and making things taste delicious with some nutritional boosts, venturing outside the typical American diet of eating primarily sugar and flour. She has found the art of simple swaps like blended oats for flour, or adding flax seeds to support lactation as well as recovery.

Mabel describes here care here:

I think it’s very important for parents in those early weeks to be able to depend on support so they can heal and learn to operate as their family. Facilitating the bonding between parents and their new baby is such an honor. I love getting to take tasks off parents to-do lists and leave the house knowing they feel ready to bond and care for their baby without a dozen other tasks plaguing their thoughts. I really love doing overnights as well because I get to act like the postpartum fairy godmother and tidy their house, soothe their baby and let them get a full nights sleep.

One of Mabel’s strengths is working with single moms as she was confidently raised by a single mom and really understands their drive to learn how to do everything independently.

Mabel shares about her favorite client situations;

“I love working with moms who want to ask lots of questions about everything as I’ve worked in so many situations I can always help someone find a way to achieve their goal in a way that feels validating and culturally respectful while being safe.”

Mabel’s family includes her boyfriend of 4 years, their two shared cats and dog Henry. They have one special albino deaf cat that is the calmest creature in existence and a another named Luca who acts more like a dog than a cat. Henry has been by her side for 10 years now, so Mabel understands her client’s love of their fur babies well. She loves to travel and was very lucky to go to Oahu recently. She also loves getting out into nature, and staying active in needle and digital arts.

Here is a snapshot of Mabel’s care from a recent client testimonial:

Mabel came through for our family when we really needed some overnight support. I was nervous at first to hand my baby off to someone that I hadn't met but knowing how well we paired with our daytime doula Nadja I had confidence Mabel would be just as great. Mabel was so warm and welcoming and I instantly trusted her with my son. She got up to speed on his feeding/sleeping and immediately hit the ground running. It was such a treat to get a whole night of sleep. She even gave me such helpful tips on storing my breast milk and cleaning my pump parts. She went above and beyond!

Mabel loves working with all families, however she has one request due to her allergy to ginger (no ginger essential oils please).