On The Blog
Why is my 6 week old baby so hard?
Remember those days when your baby stopped just going to sleep after feedings and woke up only to fuss much of the time he was awake UNTIL the next feed? And all the while you were trying to figure out how to eat more than a Cliff bar and grab a shower after 3 feeds seemingly back to back? Because your partner went back to work and you were left alone with a baby who seemed way easier when Daddy (or grandma, auntie, etc) was home?
Is Tummy Time really that important?
This week I interviewed Michelle Emanuel, an Occupational Therapist and Craniosacral Therapist, who teaches her trademarked TummyTime! Program to parents and other professionals (bodyworkers, lactation consultants, doulas, educators, etc) which is where I first learned this approach, including the Polyvagal Theory.
Finding your inner voice
There comes a point when you learn to listen to your inner voice. The one that loves and adores your baby. The one that questioned all your early decisions and second-guessed every move made in the beginning.
Babywearing deals at your local garage sale?
As much as I love both garage sales and babywearing, I also love featuring others who have even more passion and education than I do, so Lindsay DeGroot joined us for this blog on two of our favorite topics!